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Friday, March 29, 2013

The ROI of Social Media #infographic

Tips Tricks and Sound Advice

Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

Matrix or Metrics?
 by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

I couldn't help the play on words, being a Mr. Anderson. Do you feel social media is a mystery? When you post comments to Twitter or Facebook, do you get the response you hope for? Are you attempting to drive traffic to your website using hash tags in Twitter, or back links from your Facebook posts?

How can anyone be an expert in social media when the landscape is constantly shifting?  Perhaps if you  start with setting up a foundation that is anchored in your business messaging and explore how to take advantage of social media channels that some consider unrelated. The power of Pinterest, for example, can help you post more interesting messages with images. It's true, a picture is worth a thousand words.

If you're interested in more impressive messaging that leads to exposure, influence and traffic, please contact me:

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Always Drive to Increase Customer Lifetime Value : Loyalty Counts #infographic

Tips Tricks and Sound Advice

Always Drive to Increase Customer Lifetime Value : Loyalty Counts #infographic
Source: via Mika on Pinterest

Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

Use and Be Used, It's Not an Either Or!
by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

Yes, we all want our customers to be loyal and not flee to another brand based on price or dissatisfaction with our last shipment or service. So, are you using a number of the social media channels, above, to "mine" opportunities from the never ending sea of "Big Data" to prospect new customers? If so, you won't get an argument from me, however, have you considered the value of "being used"?

Perhaps some of your time spent on these channels could be sharing/praising your suppliers and re-sellers. The more you reach out through social media to recognize the people that contribute to your successes, the more reach and influence you will build. Cross branding efforts on these channels will inevitably attract the attention of customers that want to be part of the chain of influence. Soon your brand will be about a group supporting each other. That's what breeds loyalty!

To engage a CRM construct using social media channels, please find me, and thanks for reading.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Increase Employee Engagement : An Inside/Out Strategy #infographic

Tips Tricks and Sound Advice

Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

We Want Extreme Engagement and We Want it Now! 
 by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

SnapComms' infographic maps out a reasonable flow of information within an organization. Are you there yet, and where is there? Start your assessment by identifying your overall theory of management. Have you modeled your company to be "hierarchical" or have you opened your office door, or better yet, bulldozed your office altogether?

We're talking about modern organizational culture, you know, when CEOs started wearing rubber wrist watches to distance themselves from the elite positioning symbolized by the Rolex. A solid company communications structure is far less important than an engaging one. Your communications culture will limit or escalate your company's success, the choice is yours.

Wanna take the plunge? Contact me to learn more about communications strategy based on extreme engagement, a management and organizational behavior "gold strike".

Thanks for reading.

Motivations and Influence of Brand Advocates #infographic

Tips Tricks and Sound Advice

Source: via Mika on Pinterest

Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

Nibble Nibble Like a Mouse
 by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

An important question is at the top of this BzzAgent infograpic, "Where can I find them". Brand advocates are as close as your next door neighbor that just bought a new lawn mower, or closer yet, on Google search. For now, pick the product or service you're interested in and imagine a potential problem with it, then search the brand plus the problem. On page 1 or 2 of your search results you'll start to see some interesting posts that are not necessarily posted by that brand or ads for repair services related to the brand.

"Nibble" around the edges of some of these posts, and look for bloggers, for example, that have some opinion or experience with that brand, and their sites, look to be using some of the common social media channels, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on. Engage! Ask a question or 2 and join a comment stream.

If you believe in the old idiom, "Act enthusiastic and you'll be enthusiastic", you can act like yourself and start asking questions of a few brand advocates. Nibble a little more and most of the successful ones will be happy to share their formulas for successes in "reach" and "influence".

For more about favorable reviews, and how they can play a larger roll in increasing your business, contact me, and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Effectively Using Calls To Action Can Increase Traffic and Affinity #cta #infographic

Tips Tricks and Sound Advice

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Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

Breaking it Down!
 by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

Please and Thank You, then Eyes On and Ears Open
by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

What your mother taught you has even more value in the social media world! Any and every time you post something, make sure to "pilot" your message through the sea of social media's nonsense and nuisance by being humble and polite. Most Facebook and Twitter users assume their message is stimulating enough to be shared and re-tweeted, and maybe some are, but people "in the know", like HubSpot, will tell you that asking for a user to "pass along" your posts, or add to the value your story with their thoughts, get's results.

The "please" may be the easiest 1st step to take, but the "thank you" is the most important! Make sure you thank your supporters with reciprocal sharing, comments re-tweets and likes, this is what builds  relationships, rather than an unorganized mob of influence collectors.

Thanks to mom's advice, you'll have a larger group of loyal followers. Now keep your "eyes on" the results and your "ears open" for feedback that will help you groom a consistent, quality formula for engaging a wider audience.

For more about social media manners that matter, contact me, PLEASE, and THANK YOU for reading

Monday, March 25, 2013

Social Marketing Compass #infographic

Tips Tricks and Sound Advice

Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

Breaking it Down!
 by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

From the Outside In 
by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

We all would like a ubiquitous brand, but where do you start? The Nike "swoosh" didn't make the Nike brand, the innovation of a superior running shoe did. That said, it's best to look at this infographic from the outside in.

Remind yourself that, yes, people do buy on emotion! Even the commodity purchases you make in everyday life, like toilet paper, often have an emotional appeal. Entire brands push softness, scent, strength, and even "planet friendly" products. So, when you look to brand yourself, start with my favorite emotion on the outside rim of the compass, "Empathy". If you can find common ground with your target audience based on the way they feel, you're a step closer to an engagement.

Now, pick any other "Emotions/Sentiment" area on the wheel, address it with empathy, and you'll begin to "feel" an army of support for your brand.

For more about how emotional intelligence can play a larger roll in your branding efforts, contact me, I feel you.

The Contentious State of #b2b Content #Marketing #infographic

Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

Source: via Mika on Pinterest

Tips, Tricks and Sound Advice

Breaking it Down!
 by Bobby Anderson, Business Consultant at Strategy Nuts

1) "Efficacious Content" simply means, write something relevant and engaging for your customer. Remember that the best content without a "call to action" to buy what you are promoting is like a sword that remains in your scabbard.

2) "Baby Budget" in our opinion, shouldn't limit your ability to provide great stimulus to advance your products or services. Sure, invest what you can, but emphasize quality reasons why your customer should buy from you. Talk about the benefits to them, make a friend.

3) "Selective Social Presence" doesn't mean grab onto just the "Big 3" shown in this infographic. Use the biggest and best, but do your research to find complimentary channels that may be more focused! If your business is selling geriatric equipment, you probably don't want to invest time in Foursquare that carries a young audience.

4) "Content Challenges" maps out the major and obvious constraints we all have to deal with, but ignores the   inability of most "hap-hazard" postings to reach your ultimate goal, that of engagement.

Strategy Nuts is your virtual marketing assistant. Call on us to maximize your marketing efforts, while anchoring your processes in sound practices.  email Bobby Anderson at Strategy Nuts